

The 运动训练硕士 program provides students with theoretical knowledge and understanding of the profession of athletic training. The program blends classroom instruction and structured clinical experiences through a process that results in students gaining eligibility to sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) examination upon graduation from Wesleyan. 学生 who graduate from the program and subsequently pass the national certification exam will be qualified to be employed as athletic trainers in secondary schools, 在学院和大学, 专业运动队, 在运动医学诊所, 或者在工业预防医学诊所.



  • 5年垫
    • 5年的垫适用于WVWC运动科学专业的学生. The coursework for both the undergraduate exercise science major and the 垫 graduate program are carefully planned over a period of 5 years, 允许学生毕业时获得两个学位.
    • 学生大约在WVWC大三/三年级的秋季学期申请运动科学/5年垫专业, 只要完成要求的先决条件课程,将在该学年结束时完成. 在接受, 学生开始参加垫课程(秋季学期), 大四(WVWC四年级),同时完成运动科学本科课程的最后必修学分, 在第五年年底前全部完成.
    • 5年垫 students are not eligible for GA positions because you are taking undergraduate courses and graduate courses at the same time.
  • 与教师见面

    Meleesa Wohleber
    电子邮件: wohleber.m@o982.com

    教授, 运动训练理学硕士(MSAT)专业后项目主任
    电子邮件: martin_d1@o982.com

    电子邮件: mason_d@o982.com

    助理教授 临床教育协调员运动训练计划
    电子邮件: 山.j@o982.com

  • 传统的垫
    • We offer a traditional 垫 for those who have completed an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university.
    • WV Wesleyan offers Graduate Assistant (GA) positions for 传统的垫 students who are officially accepted into the program. 然而, class and clinical experience hours must be in consideration and a priority when planning work schedules for the GA position. 你可以期望在学期中每周有20-30个小时的临床经验. 
    • 学费,住房,膳食计划和津贴提供给GA. 更多GA职位的信息可以在Wesleyan网站上的“招聘”链接上找到.









毕业费用: $150










  • *额外费用

    *与垫项目相关的额外费用是:制服和用品要求, 攻击订阅日志临床时数(年度或终身), CPR认证(半年一次), 学生负责往返临床地点的交通(每年一次), 国家, 区, 和州AT协会学生会员(每年一次), BOC准备考试/研讨会(项目的最后一年). 通过AT学生俱乐部和全年的其他活动筹集资金可能会减少这些费用. 学生 may also incur additional expenses with their certain off campus clinical sites; such expenses could include but are not limited to, 住房, 运输, 免疫接种, 血液筛查, 或董事会.


卫斯理学院: $455
马歇尔大学: $566.75
推着大学: $600
西弗吉尼亚大学: $746

当比较每学分的成本时,WVWC 垫是西弗吉尼亚州最实惠的.



The Masters of 体育训练 Program at 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院 is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of 体育训练 Education (CAATE), 西北K街2001号, 北三楼, 华盛顿, DC 20006.

5 yrmat 23


汉娜来自弗吉尼亚州的布莱克斯通,打了5年垒球,是一名运动科学导师. 汉娜于2023年5月毕业,第一个5年运动科学/运动训练硕士学位. 她目前是Buckhannon-Upshur高中的运动教练.


凯文来自特立尼达的西班牙港 & 并于2024年5月毕业,获得运动训练硕士学位. 他将开始他的新职位,在洛杉矶肯纳的博纳贝尔高中担任运动教练.
5 yrmat 25


“我来自乔治亚州的海恩斯维尔,是WVWC橄榄球队的队长. 我选择了垫项目,因为它教授的东西是我喜欢学习的. 这个项目也让我在整个职业生涯中都能被运动员包围. 我喜欢运动,喜欢从中学到的人生经验."
5 yrmat 26


“我来自特拉华州的西福德,是女子足球队的一员. I chose Wesleyan because of the opportunity it gave me to continue playing soccer while working towards my future aspirations. 硕士毕业后,我打算成为一名注册运动教练."


 成本:    需要:    总:
学费(每学分):                 $455     36* $16,380
毕业费用:                       $150      1 $150
总:                    $16,530


西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院 offers the Master of Science degree in 体育训练 to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and understanding of the profession of athletic training beyond that of the entry level program and to enhance the quality of health care services for the physically active through the development of advanced clinicians.

  • 12个月, 36学时课程,将课堂教学与实际临床相结合, 实践经验. 
  • Each fall and spring semester includes a clinical practicum in which graduate students will be placed in various clinical placements (college athletics, 高中加拿大28网址, 初中体育, 等.). 
  • 学生将被要求完成一篇论文或研究项目,以满足学位要求. 
  • This master’s degree is designed for time efficiency so that graduates from any CAATE accredited curriculum can obtain an advanced degree in one calendar year. 
  • 除了, 毕业生可以获得国家认可的认证运动教练(ATC)证书。, 认证力量及体能专家(CSCS), 和紧急医疗技术员(NREMT-B)通过选修课程.
  • 申请过程

    应用程序s for admission to the 垫 or MSAT program are invited from qualified applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university or are completing the 5-Year EXSC/垫 option at WVWC. 申请人应填写申请表并将所需材料寄至加拿大28网址招生办公室, 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院, 学院大道59号, Buckhannon, wv26201. 申请人必须具备:

    1. 加拿大28网址申请 
    2. 最近的简历,显示相关工作或其他经验
    3. 两个完成 建议形式  最好是, 一份来自认证运动教练(ATC),另一份来自专业推荐人或教授
    4. *垫: Official bachelor’s degree transcripts from an accredited institution showing the completion of the following prerequisites and an earned degree: 
      • 累积绩点2.75或以上
      • 不低于C (2).0)和先决GPA为2.75或以上
        • 人体解剖学和生理学(8小时带实验室)
        • 化学(4小时,有实验要求/8小时,有实验优先)
        • 物理(光/电优先,带实验室4小时)
        • 生物学(原理或微生物学优先,4小时实验室)
        • 统计学(3小时)
        • 普通心理学(3小时)
        • 急救 & 安全(3小时)
        • 人体营养学(3小时)
        • 运动生理学(3小时)
        • 运动机能学(3小时)
          **MSAT: CAATE认证课程的正式学士学位成绩单:
    5. *垫: 阅读并签署“入学技术标准表格并上传到应用程序
    6. 加拿大28网址入学考试(GRE)的正式报告(5Y垫 WVWC申请者,不需要)
    7. 如果你是非英语国家的国际学生, 您还必须提供英语作为外语考试(托福)(5Y 垫 WVWC申请人)的正式报告, 不需要)


    Applicants satisfying the minimum standards of application will be invited for an interview with the 垫 or MSAT 招生 Committee. 申请人将在面试后两周内收到录取通知.

  • 被录取后该怎么做

    如果学生接受项目邀请进入项目, the applicant will be required to submit additional items to the 垫 or MSAT Program Director before starting the program in the fall semester:

    • *: 体格检查 在过去12个月内完成
    • *:免疫接种记录及乙型肝炎证明, MMR, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗, 水痘, PPD; proof of blood titers for Hepatitis B, MMR, 水痘
    • *:阅读并签名”乙型肝炎免疫接种知情同意/拒绝表
    • *垫: Submit documentation of 国家 Athletic Trainers’ Association student membership and maintain this membership throughout the time in the program (www.nata.org/membership)
    • *垫: 填妥并签署 定向观察体验表,需在两种不同的AT环境下观察50小时. 必须在委员会认证和持有执照的运动教练的监督下完成.(参观时间毋须全部结束,方可申请, 但需要在项目开始前完成). 
    • *完成攻击订阅申请
    • *垫: 提交药物筛选文件
    • *两个: Submit documentation of current CPR/AED Certification (American Heart Association or American Red Cross (BLS Provider or Professional Rescuer)
    • *两个: Criminal Background Check (NOTE: information on completing these requirements and associated costs will be sent to candidates if accepted)
    • *两个: Complete Universal Precautions Bloodborne Pathogen Training prior to start (NOTE: information on completing these requirements will be sent directly to the candidates if accepted)

    The 垫/MSAT Admission Committee reviews applications on an ongoing basis; January 15 is the priority deadline for full consideration. 然而, the program does have a rolling admissions process for applications submitted after this date until August 1 before fall semester starts.






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